Got this last week after really looking forward to it since I heard about it. I loved Deus Ex on the PS2! I played quite abit of it, and tbh its not too bad. Your encouraged to sneak alot as theres limited ammo for your weapons. In the first mission I ran out, and after alerting EVERY guard I was forced to re-load and try again!
Augmentations are a good touch, these range from improved strength, superior hacking skills, and faster running speed. My fave has to be the Smart Vision, which lets you see through walls
Combat is solid enough, and its what you'd expect from an FPS game. The cover system is very similar to Rainbow 6 Vegas, as in when you back against a wall, it flips to 3rd person. Sneaking about takes some getting used to, I do like running in, all guns blazing!!
Theres a sense of accomplishment if you manage to sneak your way through an entire mission
Boss fights are tough, I've only managed to beat one so far, and it was alot of work!! There
is a nack to beating the bosses, just like any other game, I think that I only beat him by shear luck!!
Guards aren't too difficult to point I had to hack a terminal and a guard was standing by it (if you hack in front of guards, they become hostile) so I moved down the corridor abit, and let off a few rounds, and he moved to investigate, giving me ample time to hack the computer! Fighting guards isn't to taxing either, they all seem to either hide behind the same cover, popping up to take a shot, or they all rush you...the dudes in the body armour are the toughest, and they carry mini-guns!!
I like the ability to hack enemy turrets and robots, and then turn them on the guards
I hacked a turret, and carried it around one who level, and it killed all the enemies for me!!
A few things that bugged me, the get limited points to upgrade, and if like me you pick the wrong ones, your f***ed for the rest of the game. Autosave function is a pain, it means, if you don't have about 10 saves, you can't go back and choose your upgrades again. Another thing is the entire game is set at night...I know this creates an atmosphere, but its a pain in the ass!! lol
I'm gunna keep it for awhile....see what kind of DLC we get. Hopefully some good stuff
At the mo, I'd give it 7.5/10